What you’ve got only better. Home Staging in Chicagoland.

When you are ready to put your home on the market, in order to maximize your return on investment it is best to consult a professional home stager, like us at Chicagoland Home Staging. In one of our recent projects, the seller had a large home that was occupied. While some of the pieces in the home needed to be swapped out, others were able to be utilized, but in a more modern way.

using what you have home staging

The furniture in this room was in relatively good condition with interesting lines, unfortunately it looks like the 1980s still live here. Dated furniture never sells homes, rather they typically bring down the home’s value, making the home feel dated too.

working with the customers belonging

Because the furniture was neutral, what really needed to happen was to give it an inexpensive update. Additional pieces did need to be brought in, but rather than replace everything, only art and accessories were added.

home staging in chicagoland

Utlizing what the seller already had in their home, pulling from other areas, and then adding metallic pillows that worked with the other accents of the furniture brought this look into the modern age. While it is still taste specific, it is now very neutral and less dated. Buyers should be able to see past the furniture, and to the overall look of the home.

Other important home staging styling to achieve this look

Of course no home staging look is complete without professional photography. Getting quality magazine quality photos is an important part of creating the best possible online look to wow potential buyers.

Notice how the window shades are pulled, allowing privacy, but light, and still showing off the architecture of the property. Professionally staged and photographed homes should focus on all of the details of the home styling. This is what brings additional perceived value.

Take a look at other rooms in the home where we did replace furniture.


1 Comment

  1. […] Barnett, Home Matters in Indianapolis, and Margaret Gehr in Chicago, have done this seamlessly in their recent blogs. (It’s always nice when people pay attention […]