5 Ways to Add More Color to a Room Without Painting

With most of us still spending a lot of time at home our surroundings may be feeling a bit worn out and uninspiring as stay-at-home orders begin to ease.

Here at Chicagoland Home Staging, we know how to easily transform a room to refresh the space and make it feel like new again. Now while in most cases home staging requires neutralizing a room with muted colors, our team does play with color and it doesn’t require painting.

Here are 5 ways to add more color to a room in your home:

Step On Color

Start by adding or changing out a rug in the room. A rug will not only help anchor the furniture in the space but try using the color and pattern of the rug as a jumping-off point to mimic the color in other accessories being displayed in the room.

Accent Chairs

Consider showcasing the main color in the space through an accent chair. One of the easiest ways to decide on a color is to base it off other colors already in the room. Rather than use a monochromatic color scheme like pictured above, use complementary colors on the color wheel to bring in even more color.

View from the Wall

Turn a boring, beige wall into a work of art by strategically hanging pieces of artwork with color. Like a rug, a wall hanging can be the inspiration for which colors to highlight in a room. Most spaces should not exceed four colors to create a pulled-together look. 

Plush Accessories

Changing out throw pillows and blankets is a simple solution to refreshing a room with a new color. Choose one cohesive color palette and do not veer from it. Get the most impact when all of the pillows are either in the same shade or in a pair of complementary shades.

Organic Elements

Want to keep a room neutral, while having a natural hue? Fill a room with plants. The color green has healing power and is understood to be the most restful and relaxing color for the human eye to view. But, plants don’t have to be only green. There are plenty of options for adding a little vibrant color to a room with azaleas, crotons, and you can even use seasonal plants like poinsettias.

Want more home staging tips check out the other blogs below and if you’d like our team at Chicagoland Home Staging to help you with your next listing please contact us here.