Does The Buyers Eye Stop at Home Selling Features?

Today’s home buyers have a hefty wish list when it comes to choosing their next place to live. Most are looking for outdoor space, an energy efficient updated kitchen and bath, a quiet place to work, take care of the kids and live at home– without feeling confided to the space. 

It’s our job at Chicagoland Home Staging to highlight the selling features of a property so the buyer can easily see what they’re purchasing. While a list of buyer wants checked off is a good start to receiving an offer, it’s important to remember buyers need to “feel” emotionally connected to the property.  

Our team is aware that the execution of properly placed design elements are crucial to the sale of a vacant property — as only 10-percent of buyers can see the potential of empty spaces. 

Showcasing the Focal Point

The focal point is the best selling feature of a room! It can be the fireplace, architecture, lighting, moldings, high ceilings, or even the view. Based on who is most likely to buy the house, the stager will then choose which of the selling features to highlight. The other selling elements will complement the main focal point, and as home stagers we will help direct where the potential buyer will look and move through the house next.

Notice the image above, the artwork over the fireplace direct’s the eye to the main focal wall with the fireplace and built-ins, but then the eye wanders to the other piece of artwork in the dining room to the left.

The key in home staging is to control where the buyer’s eyes go, and make an emotional connection, having them fall in love with the features of the home.

Generating Visual Interest

How do we do it?
With color, patterns, interesting signature décor, using height and weight of items in a room, lighting, furniture placement…it all factors in!

Many times, home staging is thought of as cleaning, decluttering and adding some toss pillows, so the property looks better. But there is a process, an art and science our team uses to get the results our clients need to move forward.

Imagine the image above empty, yes it has amazing natural light, dark wood floors, a stone fireplace that leads to a modern molded ceiling — but without the furniture the room would appear small and boring. The furnishings utilized brings these features to life. For example, the mirrored cabinets add depth to the focal wall, while the decorative bouquets add height and interest. Or, how about that white plush rug positioned to offset the rough stone around the fireplace, these are award-winning strategies our team uses to get you the biggest return on your investment.

Prompt a Memorable Moment

Home buyers are looking not only for a place to live, but it’s where they’ll raise their family, it’s a reflection of who they are, it’s a status symbol.

That’s why our team makes sure your staged home will stay top of mind during the house hunting process. While skimming photos or touring the property we want the buyer to feel an emotional attachment to the space, ultimately visualizing themselves living there.

This image above does just that! This room’s luxurious fireplace, quaint windows and masculine ceiling woodwork sets the tone to create a design that’s welcoming and cozy. This image immediately shows were the potential buyer’s family can spend some quality time together.

Do you have a new home listing in need of some modern staging to highlight the property’s features? Contact Chicagoland Home Staging for an instant home quote in DuPage County!