Conveying modern design trends in the Chicagoland area

One of the things that real estate investors rely on professional home stagers for is understanding current market trends and conveying that to potential home buyers. Tile trends in Chicago design The tile in the kitchen and bathroom of this Chicago home at 3934 North St Louis home showcase contemporary design trends. While the thin…

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Home Staging Tips: How to hang artwork with two D-rings.

chicagoland home staging

Hanging artwork with D-rings is probably one of the most frustrating experiences when decorating a home. Properly hanging curtains seems like child’s play in comparison. D-rings are great for heavy or large pieces of art as they balance the weight of the piece and keep stress off of the frame. It is not recommended that…

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Home Staging keeps it interesting. What are you looking at?

chicagoland home staging contact

There is nothing with a little sass in home staging. After all, our goal is to control you. Well, control your eye anyway. As a professional home stager, the goal of my work is to control the buyer’s eye when they walk through a home, getting them to look at everything we want them to.…

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Faster is Better: Cheetahs, AT&T, and Selling your Home

I was recently speaking to a group of homeowners who are thinking of selling their home in the next year. One of the lessons that I was trying to impart is the idea that faster is better when selling their home. I often hear, “I don’t care about selling fast. I care about getting the…

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Selling your Chicago Home? Staging tips under $100

If you are ready to sell your Chicago home, you should consider hiring a home staging professional to help you assess the changes that will help you sell faster and for more money. Here though we’ll identify some home staging tips that could save you thousands of dollars as well as generating more offers, all…

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Does your listing belong on Ellen?

I haven’t watched Ellen in a very long time, but every once in a while I’ll see some of her videos circulating on Facebook or Google Plus. It always makes me laugh. On the flip side, these are actually homes for sale. That part really bothers me. Could home staging help these listings? Pour yourself…

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Should I replace my carpet, or offer an allowance?

When selling your Chicago area home, you may be wondering if you should replace your worn our carpeting, or offer an allowance for the new homeowners to pick their own. Generally speaking there is only one right answer. If you want to maximize your equity, you must replace it. I know that we’ll have some…

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Chicago Home Staging: Discussing White Glove Clean

Our team of Chicago Home Staging professionals usually begins the list of recommendations for selling your home with, “Home should be white glove clean.” If you, as a home seller, do nothing else, this advice must be at the top of your list. White glove clean is more than looking good Sometimes sellers are offended…

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Goodbye wallpaper. Hello Fabulous! A home staging makeover.

Home staging doesn’t have to be expensive, but sometimes it does involve a small investment on the part of the homeowner. Small changes can make dramatic differences. A few hundred dollars in updates can generate thousands of dollars in higher listing and offer prices. Perception is everything and home buyers rarely see the potential in…

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